Friday, October 26, 2012


    The definition of censorship has probably changed from generation to generation.  I believe censorship laws are just another way of saying that you have crossed your limit and have violated some ones rights.  I personally believe it is not the government who chooses to censor certain websites in Canada or even in school. It is the society itself that chooses what they want to ban in public.  Equality is the main focus; we cannot show a disturbed scene of a movie or on YouTube because we have little kids watching.  We also do not want them to read bad language used in a book because they might end up exploring and experimenting what they have read (such as swearing in public). People freely express what they think about a certain topic but someone else might not like their opinion because it can be very offensive; obviously that video/book would then be banned because we are creating issues in our country.


 Canada wants everyone to be treated fairly, if someone does not like something and has a whole group saying they do not like it,  then by all means the material will be censored.  Society has power to censor, the government has power to censor and if some people do not like the idea of censoring then they have the rights to fight for justice and give great reasons to help stop censoring.


Below is a link of a video that explains a couple of funny cases that have been censored in each country, check out what happened in Canada.


 Do you guys think Censorship laws adequate or not?  I feel in today’s society everything has become a joke to us and nobody really takes a lot of things to heart.  We are opened to racism, movies are being rated to whether it is R rated or PG and so on. I believe censorship laws are not necessary because we have enough laws to protect us if we cross our limits in public. Internet is just a way to talk to others and express your feelings to the whole world and find out what others think about the issue. There is no need to censor what we have to say unless it’s really brutal and we have crossed beyond our limits about someone’s religious belief or so.


Hope you all enjoyed my blogs, I sure have learned many facts about censorship throughout my research.  Especially when I went to my local library and by searching through online! What have you guys learned and found interesting from the information I have given to you?



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