Friday, October 26, 2012

Censorship and Government

At the Federal Court of Canada there has been a controversial case about section 13 under the Human Rights Commissions Act, whether or not it is constitutional. Section 13 is about internet censorship (hate speech law), meaning you do not have the rights to say what you wish to under section 2 of Fundamental Rights. Marc Lemire, webmaster of and a former leader of the far-right Heritage Front, had violated the act by allowing the posting of comments that were likely to expose homosexuals and blacks to hatred or contempt”. But guess what? Marc won his case against the Human Rights Commissions here in Canada and got section 13 to become unconstitutional. Section 13 has got its official court date on “Dec 13 and 14” at the Federal Court of Canada, located on Queen Street.

 I never knew this case existed and I’m glad Marc successfully won against the Human Rights Act, by letting us Canadians have the freedom to what we want to say on the internet. I’m surprised he got justice for all of Canada because nobody has ever won a case against the Human Rights Act to prohibit internet censorship laws, under section 13 of the Human Rights Commissions Acts.

Prior to this case I found a video that I linked below for you guys to watch. Did you know that our governments could be watching exactly what we say or do on the internet? Our internet has a lot of vulgar material, such as vulgar language; hate propaganda; pornography and so forth. I found the video below interesting because it talks about what the Governments been up to behind our freedom of speech on the internet and what Canadians think about it. Obviously nobody wants their privacy on the internet to be invaded or watched upon, not that they are hiding anything. The Conservative party including our Prime Minister Stephen Harper, have not exactly passed their bills yet but are planning to secure our internets by having surveillance using technologies installed within ISPs networks. There are also other interesting things said in regards to the censorship of internet laws, in the video.

What are your opinions after watching this video? Do you feel the Government should pass such laws to protect society by watching them like Big Brother or no?
 I definitely believe they should not be telling us that they are spying on us because then we feel uncomfortable and cannot joke around on the internet. Meaning all our freedom of speech is considered to be criminal offenses. If the police wants to watch us then do it secretly to help save the crimes, bullying and threatens that are happening in our country.

Levant, Ezra . "Update: Canada’s Section 13 censorship law and the Marc Lemire case." . N.p., 03 2012. Web. <>.



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